Minutes of the Meeting of the OPPG held at The Barn, Oundle at 11.00 a.m. on Thursday, 10 June 2021

Present: Lita Gray(LG) - Spokesperson, Heather Murdoch,(HM) – Minute Taker, Gill Grant(GG), Jean Clark(JC)

  1. We discussed at length the process and experience by patients of the reception area at the Practice. We have received many concerns regarding this and will ask the Practice Manager to explain what the current NHS Guidelines are to practices in relation to the social distancing in the waiting area.

  2. Staffing of the practice was discussed and we will be bringing this issue up in the first Question and Answer session with the practice manager.

  3. We agreed we do not fully understand the role of the Social Prescriber and felt we should obtain further information from the Practice Manager regarding this role, i.e. purpose, scope, duties etc. Including where she will be based

  4. We are going to ask former chairpersons for all data pertaining to the OPPG’s agreements 1.e. Terms of Reference etc. This will enable us to ‘relaunch’ in due course, with all the appropriate statutes in

  5. We have been advised that patients are entitled to see a GP, face to face on request. We have checked this on the NHS England website. We felt this information and reassurance needs more publicity to communicate this to patients. e.g. newsletter, Facebook etc. This will ensure they are more informed and aware that they are able to do this if they so choose.

  6. The Practice Manager has advised that the reception staff will have further training in the near future.

  7. We agreed to suggest to the Practice Manager that we commence our first Question and Answer meeting with the Practice Manager on Tuesday 29 June.

  8. We discussed the concerns received by the PPG from patients, and in particular two cases that have been referred to the Practice Manager following agreement from the individuals concerned. Lita will follow these up with the Practice Manager.

  9. LG will follow up with the Practice Manager re: Ellie Hill’s new appointment as Health and Wellbeing Coach for an introduction email to explain her role.

  10. In view of the ‘relaunch’ of the PPG and coinciding with formulating our next newsletter, we have set a date for the working group to meet on 1st July.