Introducing our new GP Partner at Oundle

Image of Dr Naidoo

Dr Rajendra Naidoo, our new GP Partner at Oundle, has been enjoying getting to know the patients and staff during his first few weeks in the role.

He has a wide clinical background, having studied in Johannesburg before moving to the UK where he worked in hospitals before becoming a GP in Northampton and then York where he was a Clinical Lead. The structure and ethos of Lakeside appealed to him, alongside Oundle as a community.

Dr Naidoo said:

"Lakeside is a large and robust Partnership and this allows us to be on the crest of change, not only through an economy of scale but by the sharing of knowledge and expertise. We are trying to put back into medicine both with research and by helping in the training of new GPs and clinicians.

I am enjoying it here at Oundle, the patients are lovely and everyone has been very welcoming. It is a busy practice but I didn’t expect anything less. Everyone is under pressure but the staff here are doing their best, which most patients appreciate. Throughout my career I have prided myself on providing patient-centred care and this practice is also striving to achieve this as much as possible, so it is great to have been welcomed to be a part of it."

Published: Jun 8, 2023