Coronavirus - Ordering Your Prescription

Our repeat prescription telephone line has become increasingly busy recently.  During times of staff shortages and greater demand on our surgery telephones it is putting increased pressure on surgery staff.  We would therefore really appreciate it if you could access the following alternative ways to order your repeat prescription going forward:

  • Online orderingcomplete a form,  to receive a log in to your own personal online account where you will be able to order your prescription any time of day.
  • Order from local Chemists/Dispensary – both Chemists in town, and our own Dispensary, provide a repeat ordering service.  On collection of your medication you will be asked to order for the following month. This means just one visit a month to the chemist and no need to remember to order.
  • Post box – if you are unable to access online but would like to order as and when you need your medication then you can post your repeat prescription request in our post box by the Dispensary window.

Thank you for your co-operation.